Traditional essay:

1. Define emphysema. Describe its etiopathogenesis. Write a note on the different morphological types of emphysema. (2+6+7=15).

2. Classify lung tumours. Describe the various morphological types of carcinoma lung. Write a note on the paraneoplastic syndromes associated with this condition. (2+8+5=15).

3. Define pneumonia. Write the etiological classification of pneumonia. Describe the four stages of the inflammatory response in lobar pnemonia. Add a note on the complications of pneumonia. (2+4+6+3=15)

Modified essay:
1. 70 year old male, chronic smoker, presented to the ophthalmologist with symptoms of drooping of left eyelid, miosis and dryness of eye on the left side. O/E: Left supraclavicular and axillary lymph nodes were enlarged. CT chest showed a ill-defined hypoechoeic lesion with spiculated margins in the apex of left lung. 
A. What is the most probable diagnosis
B. Classify tumours of the organ involved
C. Describe the gross and microscopy of any two subtypes
D. Write a note on the paraneoplastic conditions associated with this lesion

2. 46 year old construction worker presents to the medicine OP with complaints of shortness of breath. For the past 2 months, he had exertional dyspnea with dry cough. No history of fever, chills or weight loss. Lung auscultation reveals a diffuse, expiratory wheeze. Chest X ray shows linear densities in bilateral lower lobes. No focal mass lesion. His 69 year old cousin who works with him in construction was recently diagnosed with mesothelioma.
A. What is the most probable diagnosis
B. Describe the gross and microscopy of the lungs in this case
C. Add a note on pathogenesis 

3. 68 year old male presented to the emergency department with shortness of breath since 1 week. No history of hemoptysis or fever. He smokes 1-2 packs of cigars/ day for the last 30 years and continues to smoke. O/E: He appears to breathe with pursed lips. Diffuse rhonchi auscultated in bilateral lungs. Chest X ray shows hyperlucent large volume lungs with increased AP diameter and flattened hemidiaphragm.
A. What is the most probable diagnosis
B. Mention the different types of this condition
C. Describe the etiopathogenesis 

Short essay:

1. Emphysema lung

2. Lung tumours – classification and morphology

3. Pneumoconiosis

4. Lobar pneumonia –  stages and complications.

Short answer:

1. Asbestosis

2. Stages of lobar pneumonia

3. Bronchiectasis

4. Lung abscess

5. Small cell lung carcinoma.

6. Paraneoplastic syndromes in carcinoma lung.

7. Malignant mesothelioma

Name the following:

1. What are Ferruginous bodies?

2. Name two microscopic features of small cell lung carcinoma.

3. Name the most common type of emphysema.

4. Panacinar emphysema is associated with ………….. deficiency.

4. The extrusion of mucus plugs from subepithelial mucus gland ducts or bronchioles seen in the sputum of patients with atopic asthma are called ………….

5. Define bronchiectasis?

6. Define chronic bronchitis?

7. What is Reid index?

8. The most common cause for community acquired acute pneumonia is _________________

9. The most frequent cause for gram negative bacterial pneumonia is ………..

10. Name the four stages of the inflammatory response in lobar pnemonia.

11. Common mutation seen in adenocarcinoma lung involves gain-of-function mutation of …………

12. Common mutations seen in small cell carcinoma lung involves  ………… and …………. tumour suppressor genes.

13. ‘Collar-button lesions’ in the lung are classically described for ………..

14. Name the microscopic types of malignant mesothelioma.