
Traditional essay:

1. Carcinoma breast – risk factors, molecular classification, histologic types, staging. (3+4+6+2=15).

Modified essay:

1. A 55 year old female presented with a hard lump in the upper outer quadrant of left breast. Mammography showed an irregular radiodense mass with calcifications. Axillary lymph nodes are palpable. (2+8+3+2=15)

a. What is the most likely diagnosis?
b. Describe the different morphological patterns of the lesion?
c. Write the molecular classification of this condition.
d. List the prognostic and predictive factors here.

Short essay: 8 marks

1. Write a note on fibroepithelial lesions of breast.

2. Carcinoma breast – risk factors, morphology, molecular classification.

3. Prognostic and predictive factors in carcinoma breast.

Short answer: 4 marks

1. Paget’s disease of breast.

2. DCIS.

3. Lobular breast carcinoma.

5. Risk factors for breast carcinoma.

6. Phyllodes tumour.

7. Gynecomastia.

Name the following: 1 mark

1. Most common benign tumour of the female breast is ……………

2. “Leaf-like” bulbous protrusions is seen in …………… tumour of breast.

3. Most common gene mutated in familial breast carcinoma is ………………….

4. Name the grading system used for histologic grading of breast carcinomas.

5. Two causes for gynecomastia.

6. Two types of DCIS.

7. Loss of expression of E cadherin is seen in ………………. breast carcinoma.

8. Two histological patterns seen in fibroadenoma of breast.