Traditional essay:
1. Define anemia. Classify anemia. Describe in detail about nutritional anemias. (1+4+10=15marks).
2. Classify anemia. Describe the pathogenesis, clinical features, lab investigations and complications of sickle cell anemia. (2+4+2+4+3=15marks).
3. Classify anemia. Describe the pathogenesis, clinical features and lab investigations of beta thalassemia. (2+5+3+5=15marks).
Modified essay:
1. A 35 year old female, a strict vegetarian, presented with complaints of progressive fatigue with paraesthesia and numbness of hands and feet since 6 months. Physical examination reveals pale conjunctiva and nail bed. Lab results show Hb = 8.2gm%, Total WBC count = 3100/cumm, platelets = 1.4 lakhs/cumm, MCV = 120fl. (1+2+8+4=15marks)
1. What is your probable diagnosis.
2. How do you explain her neurologic findings.
3. Draw a labelled diagram and describe the peripheral blood smear appearance and bone marrow findings in this condition.
4. What are the other tests you would like to do to arrive at the diagnosis.
2. A 34 year old female presented with history of menorrhagia and easy fatigue for many months. She also gives history of eating excessive ice over the last few days. She has no significant family history. Physical examination reveals pale conjunctiva and nail bed. Lab results show Hb = 7.5gm%, Total WBC count = 5000/cumm, platelets = 2.7 lakhs/cumm, MCV = 70fl, RDW = 17%.
a. What is your probable diagnosis.
b. Describe the etiopathogenesis of this condition.
c. Draw a labelled diagram and describe the peripheral blood smear appearance in this condition.
d. What are the other tests you would like to do to arrive at the diagnosis.(1+4+6+4=15marks)
3. A 4 year old girl child presented to OP with sudden onset of hand and foot pain and swelling. Her mother has history of severe anaemia and multiple blood transfusions. O/E- Pallor present, mild icterus seen. Investigations- Hb-7g/dL. (2+4+5+4=15marks)
a. What is your diagnosis? (2 marks)
b. What is the genetics of this condition? (4 marks)
c. What are the useful investigations here? (5 marks)
d. What are the pathophysiology of this acute condition? (4 marks)
4. A 5 year old boy presented with history of severe anemia and retarded growth. Physical examination revealed prominence of frontal bones. His Hb = 6.5gm%, Total WBC count = 9000/ cumm, platelets = 2.5 lakhs/ cumm. (1+8+5+1=15)
a. What is the probable diagnosis?
b. Draw a labelled diagram and describe the peripheral blood smear appearance in this condition.
c. Describe the etiopathogenesis of this condition
d. Mention the confirmatory test for diagnosis
Short essay: 8 marks
1. Blood transfusion reactions.
2. Immune hemolytic anemias.
3. Lab diagnosis of iron defeciency anemia.
4. Lab diagnosis of megaloblastic anemia.
5. Beta thalassemia – pathogenesis and lab investigations.
6. Sickle cell anemia – pathogenesis and lab investigations.
Short answer: 4 marks
1. Bombay blood group.
2. Anti globulin test.
3. Hemolytic disease of newborn.
4. Peripheral smear findings in megaloblastic anemia.
5. Bone marrow findings in megaloblastic anemia.
6. ESR.
7. Blood components.
Name the following: 1 mark
1. Name a condition where Direct Anti-globulin test (Direct Coomb’s Test) is done.
2. One example where autosplenectomy is seen.
3. Two bone marrow findings in megaloblastic anemia.
4. Four blood donor criteria before blood donation.
5. Two causes of microcytic hypochromic anaemia.
6. Mention the mutation seen in Sickle cell anemia.
7. What are Howell-Jolly bodies?
8. Neutrophils having five or more nuclear lobules instead of the normal three to four are called …………
9. Triad of Esophageal webs, microcytic hypochromic anemia and atrophic glossitis is seen in ………..
10.Two causes for aplastic anemia.