Traditional essay:
- Define inflammation. Describe the vascular and cellular events of acute inflammation. Add a note on the outcomes of acute inflammation. (2+8+5=15).
- Define Acute inflammation. Describe the vascular and cellular events of acute inflammation. Add a note on the morphological patterns of acute inflammation.
Modified essay:
- An 18-year-old female complains of nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain that began around the umbilicus but then shifted to the right lower quadrant. O/E- Patient is febrile, with abdominal tenderness, in the right iliac fossa. Urine analysis is normal. Complete blood count: Total WBC count – 18000 cells/ cumm; N-90%, L-6%, M-4%. CRP: Positive. Beta-hCG: Negative. USG/ CT abdomen: Thickened appendiceal wall. (2+2+6+5=15)
a) What is the most likely diagnosis?
b) What is the type of inflammation occurring here?
c) What are the vascular and cellular events occurring here?
d) What are the chemical mediators causing pain, fever and leucocytosis?
- A 12 year old male underwent surgery for an appendicular abscess. On the 5 th post op day he had fever with pus discharge from the surgical site. Debridement was done and he was managed on antibiotics. (2+5+3+5=15)
a. What is the type of wound healing occurring here?
b. What are the steps of wound healing?
c. Components of granulation tissue.
d. What are the factors affecting wound healing?
Short essay: 8 marks
- A 38-year-old man has a health screening examination. He has a routine chest x-ray that shows a 2 cm nodule in the right lower lobe. The nodule has focal calcifications. A wedge resection of the nodule is done. On microscopic examination the nodule shows granulomatous lesion.
- a. What is your diagnosis?
- b. Describe the gross and microscopic features. (2+6=8)
- Chemical mediators of inflammation.
- Vascular and cellular events of acute inflammation.
Short answer: 4 marks
- Steps in phagocytosis.
- Chemotaxis.
- Types of giant cells.
- Secondary wound healing.
- Granulomatous inflammation.
- Factors affecting wound healing.
Name the following: 1 mark
- Define chemotaxis?
- The five cardinal signs of inflammation are ______
- Name two opsonins.
- Name two vasoactive amines.
- A local defect or excavation of the surface of an organ or tissue that is produced by the
sloughing of inflamed tissue is called ___
- Process of new blood vessel development from existing vessels is called __
- Name four causes for delayed wound healing.
- Modified fibroblasts with contractile properties is called __
- What is a keloid?
- Components of Ghon complex.